Healthcare Administration, M.H.A.

The Master’s of Healthcare Administration (MHA) degree program’s mission is to develop leaders focused on advancing and transforming health services through excellence in education, community engagement and student experience. The MHA program vision is to develop dynamic and effective leaders who serve and advance the healthcare and well-being of people, organizations, and communities by transforming health services. The MHA program’s servant leadership values focus on excellence, ethics, resilience and inclusivity.

The fully online MHA degree prepares early and mid career health services professionals with experience for senior and executive leadership positions across the health services industry. The program especially focuses on those that work in faith based and non profit health services, rural/regional health services, long term care and post acute, integrative health, health informatics/information, nursing, clinical and physician practices. Students will develop competencies using primarily synchronous and some asynchronous classes in change leadership, management, communication & collaboration, strategic and business planning, innovation and ethics & social responsibility to become effective healthcare leaders.The program has a 28 member MHA Industry Advisory Board with senior health executives from across the country engaged in supporting and serving as mentors for our students. We are committed to using experiential learning opportunities to develop real world applied connections with the industry.

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