Focuses on how economists explain the behavior of individuals, how markets direct activities and the policy implications that flow from economic analysis. Emphasis is less on the development of theories and more on the application of theories. Course examines how developments in other fields, most notably evolutionary psychology, have affected microeconomics.
Addresses "the economy" in the sense of the big picture. Topics covered include national income accounting, the determination of economic activity through consumer spending, business investment, government taxation and expenditure and foreign trade. This course also addresses the issues of fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and unemployment.
Aims to give students, largely from the Upper Midwest, exposure to and an opportunity to analyze current issues from around the globe. Since the text is a British publication, it exposes students to foreign perceptions of the United States. Students gain the research skills needed to quickly get additional information on events around the world.
Examines how economic activity and policy affect the environment in which we live. Some production generates pollution and some consumption results in environmental degradation. However, pollution and environmental degradation are not inevitable consequences of economic activity. Environmental policies can reduce pollution and environmental degradation. Environmental economics provides a framework for addressing key environmental issues.
Topics in Economics.
Focuses on the forces that contributed to the rise of the Western capitalistic system from a backwater faced with the threat of chronic famine in 900 A.D. to its current position of world dominance. Course highlights the creation of the economic and social institutions that make up life and demonstrates the fact that the past can serve as a mirror to the present.
Focuses on how managers can use economic analysis in making decisions. Topics include the theory of consumer behavior, the theory of firm behavior, the theory of behavior under uncertainty, the application of game theory to firm behavior, empirical applications of theories and the role of experimental methods in economic analysis.
Examines the economics of health care and healthcare reform. Topics include economic determinants of health, the markets for medical care, insurance markets, the managed care revolution and the role of government in healthcare. Special attention is given to current issues in healthcare reform.
An in-depth examination of a topic of current interest. Choice of topic is based on the mutual interest of faculty and students.
Explores the principles of game theory, which provide a powerful framework for analyzing strategic interaction among individuals and groups in a variety of different settings. Strategic interactions occur when individuals interact with each other, have competing interests, and the outcome depends upon how each individual behaves. In this course we examine the conditions under which cooperation is desirable and what policies make cooperation more likely. A fluency with high school algebra is assumed.
The student, with approval of department chair and advisor, selects a particular area of study, which may include research and/or field experience involving a learning situation directly related to economics.
Examines a variety of macro- and microeconomics topics currently being debated in the nation. Recent topics have included protectionism vs. free trade, the effectiveness of gun control, the wisdom of public subsidies of sports stadiums and welfare reform. Emphasis is on applying standard economic methodology to real-world issues.
Examines evolution of economic theories and policies relating to international trade and finance. Issues such as trade deficits, protectionism, economic unification, state-determined capitalism and international institutions are explored. Emphasis is on current international economic developments.
A supervised, off-campus work experience that allows the student to apply concepts and techniques learned in the classroom. Students work with a faculty advisor to design the internship and are evaluated by the advisor, as well as an on-site supervisor. Students may obtain additional information about internships from the Department of Management and Business Studies office.
An in-depth examination of a current economic issue.
Sharpens research skills and produce a senior thesis in the economics department. The course develops a framework by which students begin with a kernel of interest in some broad area and produce a meaningful thesis/paper at the end of the process. Overall, this is a nuts-and-bolts course. It aims to teach a skill - doing quantitative research. Some of the material is informational - for instance, where to find good resources to do economics research. Other material applies the discipline to research.
The student, with approval of department chair and advisor, selects a particular area of study, which may include research and/or field experience involving a learning situation directly related to economics.