Management (MGT)

MGT 1110 -  Introduction to Business   - 4 cr.  

Introduces students to business and the business world. Study includes the private enterprise system, entrepreneurship, marketing, human resources, finance, production, the stock market, the management process, personal budgeting, time management, corporate ethics, insurance and other business related topics.

MGT 2120 -  Principles of Management   - 4 cr.  

Introduction to the process of management. Course includes the history of management theory with emphasis on forces of change that have resulted in a changing view of the business world for managers. Principle management functions covered are planning, organizing, leading and the process of control as an information feedback function for increasing productivity. Emphasis is on the integration of all management functions into one effort for visionary, effective and efficient operations.

MGT 2331 -  Applied Business Statistics   - 4 cr.  

Introduction to statistical concepts and methods used extensively in public and private-sector decision making. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, probability distributions, interval estimation, statistical inference, hypothesis testing and linear regression analysis using hand calculators and MS-Excel. Taught using datasets and case problems from a range of business areas including accounting, economics, finance, management and marketing.

MGT 2999 -  MGT Independent Study   - 1-4 cr.  

Independent Study.

MGT 3130 -  Business Research & Decision-Making   - 4 cr.  

Further examines the theories, models and practice of effective business managers in using creativity, strategy, and information in decision making. Students apply methods to generate ideas for solving real-world business problems. Decision-making models and research are used to analyze consumer/employee behavior, create goals, and make recommendations for solving problems.

MGT 3140 -  E-Commerce for New Enterprises   - 4 cr.  

Introduces students to the major facets of doing business on the Internet, with an emphasis on creating new businesses and converting existing businesses to electronic commerce. Management theory and practice is combined with a variety of Internet business circumstances resulting in examples used for creating new businesses.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 2120
MGT 3150 -  Management Communications: Written (Integrations : VIOP - Electives)  - 4 cr.  

Emphasis on the writing process as adapted to the management situation. Students complete a series of writing assignments including letters, memos, proposals, problem-solving reports and informational reports and procedures, with an emphasis on audience adaptation, clarity of purpose, adequacy of support and correct format. Students will be introduced to writing for electronic media. Students must be juniors and have some professional experience before enrolling.

Prerequisite Courses: ENG 1110
Equivalent Course: ENG 3364
MGT 3160 -  Labor Relations Management   - 4 cr.  

Comprehensively deals with aspects of labor relation issues in terms of collective bargaining and the tools that are utilized in the administration of a work agreement in terms of contract enforcements, grievances and arbitration procedures. This course will explore the opportunity to look into the applications and the outcome of court decisions, NLRB rulings, in an ongoing changing global work environment.

MGT 3240 -  Human Resource Management   - 4 cr.  

Provides an in-depth exposure to the major areas of human resource management including recruiting, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, planning, labor relations and compensation.

MGT 3250 -  Staffing and Compensation Administration   - 4 cr.  

Emphasis on the identification and integration of organizational job needs, employee selection, performance and compensation systems based on a strategic pay model. Students focus on compensation and benefit packages and how they are impacted by internal and external forces.

MGT 3354 -  Management Ethics (Integrations : VIPH - Philosophy)  - 4 cr.  

Study of the application of ethical principles to problems encountered in management. Confrontation of the problems is preceded by inquiry into the nature of human interaction in general and management in particular. Other topics include: obligations of the manager to a number of clients or spheres of responsibility, including employees and clients of the organization; rights and obligations of employers and employees; and discrimination, liability and advertising.

MGT 3380 -  Logistics and Distribution Channels   - 4 cr.  

Contemporary logistics describes the entire supply channel system from inbound movement of freight including tangible and intangible activities through materials management to physical distribution then to the end user. It provides the tactile decision-making tools such as distribution channel locations, inventory rotations, storage and logistic functional concepts used for finding cost reduction and strategic opportunities. Also, integrates logistics into a supply chain management context. It will look into the current events, along with new theory, practice, basics in packaging, warehousing, transportation, inventory and material handling.

Equivalent Course: MKT 3380
MGT 3520 -  Managing in a Global Environment   - 4 cr.  

An introduction to the principles of management in the emerging global economy and community with a focus on ethical concepts and strategies within a variety of foreign environments. Topics include a comparison of domestic, international and global corporations, cross-cultural ethical and social responsibility differences, risk assessments of strategic alliances, organizational structures, geopolitical and foreign policy considerations and the manager's challenges of cross-cultural communications, organization and human resource development.

MGT 3550 -  Organizational Behavior (Conceptions : VCSS - Social Science)  - 4 cr.  

Explores the behavior of people within organizations in terms of the factors that most influence it. These include factors related to individuals, groups and the larger organization system. The course relies heavily on experiential learning as a means of teaching students how to apply lessons in organizational settings.

Prerequisite Courses: junior status or permission of instructor.
MGT 3555 -  Leadership   - 4 cr.  

Designed as an introduction and overview to leadership. It emphasizes self-assessment and development of personal skills and style, understanding and critical evaluation of prominent leadership theories, and exploration of current leadership issues. Through brief lecture, demonstrations, case analyses, and small group discussion and exercises, students explore the application of leadership concepts and practices that have utility across organizations and disciplines.

MGT 3560 -  Organization Development   - 4 cr.  

Introduces students to the theories and practice of organization development and how organizations plan and facilitate the change process. Emphasis will be on understanding the drivers of change, stages of transition management, dealing with resistance to change, organizational culture, and change agent skills. Cases and work experience will be used to highlight challenges.

MGT 3777 -  Selected Topics in Management   - 0-7 cr.  

In-depth study of a topic of current interest. Topic to be covered depends on the mutual interest of faculty and students.

MGT 4140 -  Entrepreneurship   - 4 cr.  

Exposes students to a broad range of practical applications in research, planning, and development of entrepreneurial ideas. The course focuses on processes and strategies used to launch a new business venture using strategic and creative thinking in the areas of innovation, branding, sales, strategy, and finance.

Equivalent Course: MKT 4140
MGT 4150 -  Management Communication: Oral   - 4 cr.  

Covers a wide array of subjects related to communicating in organizations, including: interpersonal communication, upward/downward/lateral communication, organizational structure, office and plant layout, effective business presentations, leadership in business meetings, interviewing and telephone usage.

MGT 4160 -  Legal Aspects of Management   - 4 cr.  

Nature and functions of law with emphasis on applications in economics, marketing and management. Course includes contracts and business entities and the regulation of business under federal and state administrative agencies.

MGT 4165 -  Advanced Management Applications   - 4 cr.  

Students will become versed in critical thinking, argumentation, researching topics, and making decisions. They will learn how to take a stand and defend their positions on a large variety of management and social dilemmas.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 2120, Junior standing
MGT 4170 -  Strategic Management   - 4 cr.  

A senior capstone course for management majors. This course ties together all of the content covered in undergraduate management and applied economics classes. Focus is on realities of management in contemporary situations. Course utilizes studies of real organizations that include examples of successes and failures. Students prepare written case analyses with emphasis on understanding the environment of management, the knowledge required by managers, and the functions performed.

Prerequisite Courses: FIN 3420, or approval of the instructor, and senior standing.
MGT 4261 -  Team Development   - 4 cr.  

Examines the role of teams in organizations. It covers the decision to use teams, characteristics of effective teams, team building, styles of interaction, project planning, conflict, and evaluation. Students form teams to work on tasks and use them as a laboratory for understanding and changing team processes.

MGT 4262 -  Training and Development   - 4 cr.  

Provides an introduction to the function of training and development in organizations. It provides a theoretical and practical foundation for students conducting training activities including needs assessment, learning styles, curriculum and program design, use of instructional media and techniques, and evaluation.

MGT 4555 -  Management Internship   - 0-16 cr.  

An internship taken in a practical business or other appropriate facility related to the student's interest. Student is supervised by a manager; evaluation of student performance is completed by the manager, student and advisor. Students may obtain additional information about internships from the Department of Management office.

Prerequisite Courses: approval of instructor.
MGT 4558 -  International Management Internship   - 2-16 cr.  

An internship taken in a practical business or other appropriate facility related to the student's interest. Student is supervised by a manager; evaluation of student performance is completed by the manager, student and advisor. Students may obtain additional information about internships from the Department of Management office.

Prerequisite Courses: approval of instructor.
MGT 4777 -  Selected Topics in Management   - 1-4 cr.  

In-depth study of a topic of current interest. Topic to be studied depends on the mutual interest of faculty and students.

MGT 4999 -  Independent Study   - 1-8 cr.  

Study of a particular area selected by student with approval of department chair and instructor. Study may include research and/or field experience involving a learning situation directly related to management.

MGT 6201 -  Consultation Theory and Practice   - 3 cr.  

Designed as a practicum experience that explores the role of consultants and leaders in bringing about organizational change. The course will describe and illustrate the three basic philosophies of consultation, as identified by Edgar Schein: Expert consultation, the physician model, and process consultation. The pros and cons of each approach will be examined, and students will apply course lessons in consulting with an actual client group and/or in case studies.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420 and MGT 6430
MGT 6210 -  Seminar on the Cape   - 3 cr.  

An annual seminar opportunity for students to study with a nationally or internationally known scholar-practitioner in the disciplines of organization development and leadership. This CSS course is wrapped around a week of summer study at the Cape Cod Institute (CCI) in Eastham, MA, known throughout the world for the quality of its seminars and the thought leaders who deliver them. The course includes pre- and post-trip classroom sessions conducted by the CSS Instructor who guides students while they study at CCI.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420
MGT 6220 -  Designing Modern Change Interventions   - 3 cr.  

Examines the issues that leaders and practitioners must consider when designing change initiatives and interventions. In particular, it will explore how postmodernism, social constructionism, and emergence have influenced modern organization development (OD) theory and practice. Design questions will consider both the size and complexity of organizations and other relevant contextural variables. Among the topics that will be covered are: organizational culture, systems theory, large group interventions, and idealized design.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420 and MGT 6430
MGT 6307 -  Economics for Decision Making   - 3 cr.  

This course focuses on economic decision making in business, where the application of economic theory guides an organization in achieving its aims or strategic objectives. Economics tools and applications are used to make decisions, assess outcomes and adjust strategy in a global context. The importance of information, competing with a market structure, pricing strategies for firms with varying market power and the nature of industries are covered. A global competitive analysis of a firm in a global market is conducted.

Prerequisite Courses: A previous course that covers macro- and microeconomic theories. (Common Core Curriculum)
MGT 6310 -  Conflict, Negotiating, and Coaching the Client Group   - 3 cr.  

Prepares students to guide subordinates or clients through the conflicts that often emerge during periods of organizational change. Topics covered in the course will include: sources of conflict, resistance to change, conflict resolution style preferences, negotiating (interest-based vs. positional), and providing coaching and feedback.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420
MGT 6405 -  Ethical Issues and Wholeness in Change Leadership   - 3 cr.  

Explores the ethical responsibilities of organizational leaders and practitioners who design, guide, and implement change interventions or initiatives. It also considers the issue of practitioner wholeness and how living a divided life can contribute to ethical conflicts during times of rapid organizational change. Topics that will be covered include: Values, “use of self,” conscious vs. unconscious choice, ethical decision-making, and wholeness at the individual, group, and organizational levels.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420 and MGT 6430
MGT 6412 -  Management Writing & Resources   - 3 cr.  

Provides students an opportunity to develop and practice their writing skills for graduate coursework. Differences between academic and business writing are examined in terms of audience, purpose, format, and demands. Course includes examples of good academic writing and previews the final project and final project proposal for the MA in Management. (Common Core Curriculum)

MGT 6413 -  Communication Across Cultural Boundaries   - 3 cr.  

Examines the methods that leaders and change practitioners utilize in helping employees and client groups develop the awareness and skills necessary to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries. The course explores culture in its broadest sense, which includes cultural differences across/or within organizations, demographic categories, and nations. Particular attention will be paid to the roles of diversity and inclusivity in modern change initiatives and interventions.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420
MGT 6420 -  Organizational Behavior   - 3 cr.  

Explores the behavior of people within organizations in terms of the factors that most influence it. Those include factors related to individuals, groups, and the larger organization system. The course utilizes an experiential learning process that helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses as learners.

MGT 6430 -  Organization Development   - 3 cr.  

Serves as an introduction to the theory and practice of organization development (OD), also referred to as “planned change.” It emphasizes the historic evolution of OD, models of planned change, the dynamics of resistance to change, organizational culture, and the role of the OD consultant. The course also seeks to compare and contrast OD with other approaches to “change management” and to assess their relevance in organizations today.

MGT 6431 -  Research Skills for Practitioners   - 3 cr.  

Explores the research skills utilized by organization development practitioners and leaders who are responsible for organizational change. This course utilizes appropriate research methods to explore how often behaviors occur as well as why and how behaviors occur in our social world. It also prepares students to use writing as a means of engaging in critical thinking and high-level reasoning in presenting their research.

MGT 6438 -  Executive and Board Leadership   - 3 cr.  

Explores the connections among an organization’s top executive/senior team, its governance board, and institutional effectiveness. It focuses on the importance of the relationship between the top executive and the chairperson of the board and examines emerging governance issues, including succession planning, shareholder/stakeholder activism, and diversity and inclusion. Students will study examples and case studies drawn from both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420
MGT 6440 -  Financial Management   - 3 cr.  

Covers a wide variety of financial topics that are required tools for managers and officers of both large and small organizations. Covers the topics of value tracking and capital budgeting as well as financial decision-making within dynamic organizations.

Prerequisite Courses: A previous course in accounting. (Program Core Curriculum)
MGT 6450 -  Marketing: Consumer Behavior   - 3 cr.  

Provides an overview of marketing principles and practices with emphasis on applications for new managers. The course will emphasize marketing from a strategic perspective, with subsequent focus on key concepts such as consumer behavior and marketing mix. Although the focus will be on participant's application in their own organizations, consideration will also be given to international applications. (Common Core Curriculum)

MGT 6455 -  Strategic Leadership for Change   - 3 cr.  

Explores the complex connections among strategy, leadership, and change management. Set in a global environment characterized by rapid technological change, it emphasizes the importance of a leader's capacity to anticipate, envision, and work collaboratively toward a viable organizational future. The course requires students to synthesize and integrate lessons learned in their previous courses.

Prerequisite Courses: MGT 6420 and MGT 6413 and MGT 6430 and MGT 6431 and MGT 6201 and MGT 6220 and MGT 6310 and MGT 6405
MGT 6490 -  Global Capstone   - 4-6 cr.  

Serves as a final demonstration of a student's capacity to apply theoretical lessons from the MBA program to organizational issues or problems. An international field project will be embedded in this course to give students an opportunity to assess organizational issues or problems in a cross-cultural and global context. Students write a significant paper that includes a review of literature, an analysis of the issue or problem, and prescriptions or conclusions that emerge from the analysis in the context of the international experience. (Capstone Option)

MGT 6530 -  Managerial Applications of Tec   - 3 cr.  

Provides an overview of the technological responsibilities of a manager in the area of finding strategic solution, business process solutions, project management solutions and technology solutions to daily business problems. The use of technology in decision making, strategy and attainment of competitive advantage is discussed. Other topics include aligning technology with organizational goals metrics and accountability development, vendor selection, needs assessment, project planning and facilitating and technology enhanced/enabled communications. (Program Core Curriculum)

MGT 6545 -  Corporate Compliance in the Healthcare Industry   - 3 cr.  

Addresses a growing need to adequately train health care leaders in the field of health care compliance and various topics in health care compliance, including corporate compliance (fraud and abuse), privacy, risk management and identity theft. Essential elements of a corporate compliance program will be presented as well as primary federal legislation addressing fraud and abuse. Privacy of patient information will be discussed in terms of the HIPPA and HITECH regulations. Risk management concepts will be presented as well as identity theft as relates to medical identity theft.

Prerequisite Courses: Admission to a HIM graduate program or permission of the department.
MGT 6777 -  Special Topics   - 0-12 cr.  

Special Topics.

MGT 6800 -  Group Practicum   - 4,6 cr.  

The Group Practicum is one of three capstone options offered to students in the MBA in Leadership and Change. Three to five students work as a team that, with guidance from a faculty member, work with an organization (both for profit and nonprofit) on a project involving organizational change. Projects could include: organization development interventions; strategic planning; training and development programs; or conducting research on a problem defined by the organization. The Group Practicum provides students an opportunity to synthesize program learning and apply it to real world scenarios. The student team prepares a final thesis-like paper containing a relevant literature review, their analysis of the organizational project, and a summary of their conclusions and recommendations. The class counts for six (6) credit hours and also requires students to participate in a final oral defense of their research and other course lessons. (Capstone Option).

Prerequisite Courses: Completion of all MBA classroom-based courses or permission by the Program Director.
MGT 6810 -  Capstone Project   - 4,6 cr.  

Students will design and carry out a significant research project that includes: reviewing the literature, formulating a problem statement or hypothesis, and producing an application that is appropriate to the topic of inquiry. They will write an academic paper that includes a description of their research methods, the results of their analysis, and a discussion of their conclusions. Students are given 16 weeks to complete the project after proposals have been approved.

MGT 6811 -  Final Presentation   - 0 cr.  

Prepares students to evaluate and succinctly summarize the key research outcomes from their capstone research.

MGT 6900 -  Capstone Continuing Enrollment   - 0 cr.  

Required registration for continuing work on final capstone courses. This is a zero-credit course billed at one credit. Students not completing the capstone within the 16 week term in which that course is scheduled must register for MGT 6900. Students may register only once for a continuing enrollment.

MGT 6999 -  Independent Study   - 0-12 cr.  

Independent Study.