Global Humanities

The Department of Global Humanities prepares students to become thoughtful leaders “who are committed to serve and to transform the world.” The humanities are by definition global: they study our common humanity and ask universal questions, beginning with what it means to be human. They explore fundamental philosophical and theological issues such as the nature of truth, the good, and beauty; the relationship between faith and reason; and the nature of reality itself. At another level they seek to understand the diverse historical, cultural, and spiritual experiences of the world’s peoples, so as to better appreciate the ways that our unique perspectives contribute to shared understandings. The global humanities emphasize not only humanistic methodologies, but also human values: human dignity, human rights, self-realization, peace and justice, equity, and community. They take human-centered approaches to complex global issues such as the environment, sustainability, democracy, and development. They aim to create the conditions, locally and globally, for human well-being and flourishing. Students of the global humanities develop essential aptitudes and skills, including critical thinking and problem solving, research and analysis, effective communication, world languages and intercultural knowledge, ethics, and imagination and empathy. They master bodies of knowledge within their specific disciplines and across disciplines. They prepare themselves for a wide range of careers and for transformative service and leadership. 

